Sunday, February 24, 2008

Fisherman's life by Thushantha Vidanage, 35 yrs (Panadura)

Thushantha has been in the video industry for over 15 years. He undertakes videoing and photography of weddings , however, his interest lies mostly in documentary photography. He is married and is the father of 2 sons - 6 and 4 yrs old and his wife is a Pre-school teacher. His interests are reading material on video editing, animations, computer graphics etc to gain more insight and knowledge into his area of work.
I witnessed how fishermen tumble against the waves in making a living. Some do this solely for survival, simply with the intention of having a plate of food on their table. Others go as far as daring to dream, and attempt to fulfill their dreams, and venture beyond simply surviving. Therefore, the life story of a fisherman is more often than not, very sad, demanding, tough and challenging. I clicked against this harshness, searching high and low for something that would bring some gentleness to this roughness.

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