Day And Beyond
Blog by and for documentary photographers
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Over the concrete wall by Ratnananthan Aroodguhan, 26 yrs (Jaffna)

Monday, February 25, 2008
Lives of pets by Dinali Cooray, 27 yrs (Colombo)
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Fisherman's life by Thushantha Vidanage, 35 yrs (Panadura)
Sunday, February 17, 2008
My son by Niroshana De Silva, 32 yrs (Embilipitiya)
Niroshana’s personal interests include traveling around the country. Niroshana is married, with one son, Lehan who was the inspiration for this photography project. Lehan is 4 years old and will be schooling next year. Niroshana's wife, Shiranthi, is a housewife. He longs to make his family “his day” and move everything else to "beyond the day". His main area of interest in photography is documentary and he is interested in listening to music and playing drums.
My son is my world. He is a cute and a very active kid, who has marked his presence all over, with very colourful designs on every wall. Sometimes he wants to be with everyone, playing, singing, chatting, while at other times, he wants to be alone. When he is at grandma’s place, near the lake, at the playground, or with his friends, he does not feel tired at all, and he doesn't want to sleep unless he accidentally falls asleep. I attempted exploring his activities in these different spaces.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Beauty and ugliness by Sisira Gintotage, 38 yrs (Matara)
Sisira is a professional photographer, who has been in the field of photography for 25 years. He is married and his wife works at the Coconut Development Authority. He has an 8 year old son. His area of interest in photography lies mainly in landscape photography, although he also undertakes wedding photography. He is an active member of the National Photographic Art Society of Sri Lanka. He aspires to move with technology and move into other areas of photography such as documentary.
Being an island, the blue waters surrounding Sri Lanka’s landscape further enrich her unique beauty. However, the negative attitudes and lack of initiative towards maintaining a healthy and clean environment, has resulted in increased pollution in our beaches. At the beach near my home, beauty and ugliness co-exist or are forced to do so - beauty of nature and ugliness of the produce of human activities.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Daham Pasala by Neville M Gamage, 52 yrs (Galle)
Neville is married, with 2 daughters and 2 sons. He really started to learn photography upon joining the 'Day and Beyond' Project. The photographs were taken at the Daham Pasala which his children attend. Neville’s main interest lies in documentary photography. He likes to spend most of his free time together with his family.
Daham Pasala has been at the heart of Buddhist education for generations. I too have attended the classes of Daham Pasala to which my children go now. I go there taking them and fetching them back home. Daham Pasala is a different place. Children present themselves in white. Calmness in appearance and behaviour is expected and thus prevails, blending with the tranquility inherent in a temple.
Spider Web by Muditha Adikari, 44 yrs (Pannipitiya)
Muditha is a videographer with 20 years of experience. Prior to joining Sri Lanka Telecom, he was employed at Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation as a videographer for 3 years. He works as a wedding photographer as well. His hobbies and interests lie in landscape videography. His innate interest in visual art and photography dragged him into the project, 'Day and Beyond'. Muditha is married and he has a daughter studying at Sujatha Vidyalaya and a son studying at Pannipitiya Dharmapala Vidyalaya. His wife is currently working at Ceylon Electricity Board. His vision for his career is to move into newer areas of photography.
The spider, after spinning its web, will then wait, on or near the web for a prey to get trapped in it. The spider web is a highly mechanical and wonderful construction and it is a very interesting object of art to observe and study. When its web is broken by the wind, the spider will then try to build a fresh web in harmony with what is found in the surrounding environment like a surface, a leaf etc. The struggle of the spider in the frequent rebuilding of its web in different designs each time is a beautiful and awe-inspiring process to witness.
Getting Ready by Harshana Henarath, 26 yrs (Kurunegala)
Harshana’s hometown is in Kurunegala and he studied at Maliyadewa Model School, Kurunegala. He is currently boarded at Rajagiriya. His favourite past time is watching movies and listening to music. Harshana’s interest in photography started only recently with the Day and Beyond photo project.
Even in the usual flow of things, before any activity, “getting ready” is an essential prerequisite. The daily life experience is full of “getting ready” prerequisites. Anywhere and everywhere the concept of “getting ready” exists – getting ready to go to work, for meals, for a bath, for exams, for an outing etc. In each instance, it is a “preparatory” process. At the time of “getting ready”, we sometimes tend to be busy, rushed and tensed while at other times, we are more relaxed, calm and unhurried.